PDF Still Standing...: My Journey from Streets and Saloons to the Stage, and Sinatra Read Book Online
Still Standing...: My Journey from Streets and Saloons to the Stage, and Sinatra
Download PDF Still Standing...: My Journey from Streets and Saloons to the Stage, and Sinatra-Fire Service Ethics is the first textbook specifically developed to help fire service personnel deal with ethical dilemmas. Firefighters and fire service leaders will find benefit from this important tool to aid them in dealing with complex issues. No other profession places such discretionary burden on its practitioners as the fire service. The military, law enforcement, the medical profession, and legal profession all provide a robust set of ethical policies and guidelines to their members. Fire Service Ethics provides the foundation for creating ethical boundaries. Fire Service Ethics meets and exceeds the course outcomes and course objectives for the National Fire Academy FESHE Model Curriculum Bachelor’s (Non-Core) course called Fire Service Ethics (C0303). It is also well suited for fire officer and administration development programs. Section 1 of the book is entitled Foundations. Its four chapters are intended to provide the reader with the basic understanding of ethics necessary to master the material in the succeeding three sections. Chapter 1 is recommended for all readers, as it addresses the important questions of ethical relevance to the fire service. Chapters 2, 3 & 4 are grounded in academic approaches to ethics and are specifically intended to be used in college courses. The material within the sections encourages critical analysis of ethical systems, and understanding of the basics of human behavior. Section 2 of the book is entitled Ethics on The Line. Its chapters address issues directly related to rank-and-file firefighters, and company officers. The section also deals with diversity; first as an abstract concept, and then as it applies specifically to the fire service. Section 2 is intended to serve dual purposes. First, it is designed to be included in an academic curriculum aimed at future firefighters. Secondly, Section 2 - combined with Section 4 - encompasses the majority of material appropriate for inclusion in fire service training programs. Section 3 of the text is dedicated to Administrative Ethics. The chapters within the section explore ethics issues faced by fire chiefs and senior administrative personnel. Included within the section are chapters on the building and maintenance of an ethical work culture, the ethical responsibilities associated with administration, and finally, ethics laws. Section 3 - combined with Sections 1 and 4 - is especially appropriate for officer development programs and collegiate programs in fire administration. Section 4 of the book is entitled Applied Ethics. The three chapters within the section deal with the application of ethics on the personal and department level. Included within the section are chapters on ethical decision-making, mechanisms by which unethical behavior is engaged, and a review of current ethical issues affecting local fire departments. Section 4 is universal in its application and should be used in all collegiate programs, as well as in firefighter and fire officer training programs.
Product details
- Hardcover : 199 pages
- Title : Still Standing...: My Journey from Streets and Saloons to the Stage, and Sinatra
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 1642933600

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Still Standing...: My Journey from Streets and Saloons to the Stage, and Sinatra

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